This program helps single women dealing with traumatic situations by providing them emotional and social support. The objective is to provide support to single women in motherhood when they feel stress and overwhelmed in a specific situation.
Support is provided by the Community Support Agent in the following ways:
  • Accompanying by hearing / meeting / appointments.
  • Reading over documents or other printed material.
  • Actively listening to single women in motherhood and other parties involved in the situation.
  • Emotional and social support.

How to become a Community Support Agent

  • To become a Community Support Agent, you must reside in the London, Ontario.
  • You must be over 18 years of age.
  • You should be able to commit for one year.
Contact S.W.I.M. by the phone number listed below to begin the application process. If you meet the criteria, you will be required to fill out a volunteer application form and apply for a criminal record check.

Application Process

  • If SWIM believes you are a good candidate for the Community Support Agent position, you will be contacted for an interview. The interview will explore your skills, interests, and experiences relevant to the volunteer role.
  • SWIM will contact you after reviewing information from the interview to take part in a training session which will review the program, the policies and procedures, and the roles of the Community Support Agent. At the end of the session, you will sign consent forms for the release of personal information, release of liability and financial costs, and consent for photograph identification.

How to access the Program

To receive advocate support, you must be a single parent and you must register as a member of S.W.I.M. There is no cost and no commitment required. Contact SWIM at 519-432-5454 or e-mail at Note: Community Support Agents are not legal consultants or otherwise. They are not qualified to provide legal advice, medical advice, etc. They are “a shoulder to lean on” for single parents who are in a distressing situation.